GRE products (Glass Reinforced Epoxy) manufactured by BKA industrial group such as: pipes, fitting and
storage tanks are fabricated under license of FLOXY® international trade mark.
In the past three decades composites become more favorable because of its efficiency as the building
material in piping and considerably lower downtime…
In the past years a variety of composite pipes and fittings have been produced, one of which is considered
to be Glass Fiber reinforced plastic which is generally known as Fiber-Reinforced Plastics (FRP).
Composite pipes were introduced in 1948. They were initially used in the oil industry as these pipes are
still used as replacement for steel pipes due to their lower weight, anti-statics characteristics …
GRE products (Glass Reinforced Epoxy) manufactured by BKA industrial group such as: pipes, fitting and storage tanks are fabricated under license of FLOXY® international trade mark.
BKA GRP Industries designed FLOW PIPE® series are Glass Reinforced Vinyl ester (GRV) pipes produced by the dual helical winding technology. The major raw materials used for production of FLOW PIPE® are fiber glass and vinyl ester resin. FLOW PIPE® pipes have exceptional mechanical and chemical properties.
FLOXYCLAD® is delivered as pre-molded parts for straights, fittings, end caps, flange boxes and valve boxes. FLEXYCLAD® pieces are joined with FLOXYCLAD’s range of exclusive adhesives. The FLEXYCLAD® system is designed to encapsulate the entire insulation system End cap to End Cap. It is able to withstand a marine environment, exposure to UV light, high humidity and rainfall.
BKA is the most equipped and only manufacturer of GRE pipes and fittings in Iran which is confirmed in AVL of national oil companies.
Our testing facility and labs are equipped with state-of-the-art machinery and testing equipment to guarantee quality, customer satisfaction, and environmental safety protection. BKA industrial group has designed and implemented an IMS integrated management system based on ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001:2015, OHSAS 18001:2007 standards. In addition, BKA has applied Quality Control Systems in accordance with national and international oil and gas industry Quality Control Standards for all products and services.
We are the only company that offers a wide selection of certified PRT systems backed by thirdparty testing. Composite coatings can also be implemented to a large leakage using flow bonding and coating methods enabling performance without the need to shut down the operational flowing process.
Using composite materials, FLOXY pipe repair solution is designed to provide structural reinforcement, leak repair and corrosion prevention.
The PRT systems are engineered in accordance with ASME, ISO and ASTM standards to withstand harsh elements, high pressure, and the effects of exposure over time.
No.24, 19th St.,South Gandhi St.,
Vanak Sq.,Tehran, IRAN
NO.6 Sanat,Sanat Square,
Caspian industrial town,25 km of