Site service

BKA is the most equipped and only manufacturer of GRE pipes and fittings in Iran which is confirmed in AVL of national oil companies. BKA industries offers a full range of professional field assistance services carefully designed to ensure that the installation is executed strictly in accordance with FPI’s recommendations and method statements; your project is completed on time, on budget, and meets all necessary regulations and quality standards.

Working to your requirements, FPI’s highly experienced personnel can effectively control and supervise every aspect of your project from commissioning to completion

بازدید کنندگان 5

Installation, jointing, and pipe laying activities

اجرای کلدینگ ها

Supervising the pipe installation

BKA persian_Page2

Failure analysis and


Field testing and commissioning assistance

The process starts with an initial visit to your site to brief and demonstrate the handling and jointing procedures of your chosen product, before deploying a specialist site crew to carry out the jointing. Afterwards FPI’s team can provide continuous supervision and technical assistance, all of which provides a number of benefits:

Quality management system

For quality assurance purpose, customer satisfaction, human and environmental resources protection, BKA industrial group has designed and implemented IMS integrated management system based on ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001:2015, OHSAS 18001:2007 standards. BKA industrial group has also applied oil and gas national and international standards for its products and quality control system. These standards are classified into two different sections:
Design and fabrication standards- Quality control standards- some of these standards are listed here under:

Design and production standards

Quality control standard


Trusted by the best